Where Is Martha Downing Now


Where Is Martha Downing Now

"Where Is Martha Downing Now" is a mystery novel by author C.A. March. It follows the story of Martha Downing, a woman who leaves her home in New York City and disappears without a trace. The novel follows Detective Janice Black as she attempts to unravel the mystery of Martha's disappearance and find her. What is the genre of the novel? The genre of the novel is mystery.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. Look at the picture. Now, continue the description. Describe where things are. This is Martha's bedroom. It's so messy. Martha puts everything everywhere. she puts the fan ***​


aku tidak tahu


aku tidak membantu




i don't know sorry

2. 1.who writes the letter?2.what is her full name?3.who does she know Martha?4.at what grade is Martha now?5.what is the purpose of writing the letter?​



2.sylvia retnaningrum

3.because she read magazine

4.grade six

5.maaf yah aku gak tau


maaf kalau ada yang salah



2.sylvia ratnaningrum

3.from smart magazi

4.grade 6

5.making friends

3. downing street 10 adalah

Downing street 10 merupakan tempat di mana perdana menteri Inggris tinggal dan berkantor selama dua ratus tahun lebih
maaf klo salah

4. Martha is. Young to drive a. Much better b. Too c. Enough.



5. Characteristic Value Independen Now, answer the following questions based on the in 1. Who writes the letter? 2. What is her full name? 3. How does she know Martha? At what grade is Martha now? * What is the purpose of writing the letter? Grab the Hal 12/13

Nama bukunya apa bro? Masa harus beli bukunya dulu Dan kenapa gak difoto aja penjelasannya? biar bisa dibantu... Kalo mau bisa diedit kok bro

6. Task 5Read both sentences carefully. Then, combine them using wish in the past!Example:Henry didn't do his work. Now his boss is angry.Answer: Henry wishes he had done his work.1. Doni swam in the river. Now he is cold.2. Ari and his friends went camping. Now it is raining.3. Martha didn't eat dinner. Now she is hungry.4. I lied to my friend. Now my friend won't talk to me.5. We didn't finish cleaning the house. Now all of our guests have arrived and we are embarrassed.​

PAST PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE for unreal situation in the past

1. Doni wishes he hadn't swum in the river.

2. Ari and his friend wish they hadn't gone camping.

3. Martha wishes she had eaten dinner.

4. I wish I hadn't lied to my friend.

5. We wish we had finished cleaning the house.



Wish digunakan ketika pembicara ingin menyatakan suatu pengharapan yang berlawanan dengan kenyataan sebenarnya.

Kalimat seperti ini adalah kalimat yang menggunakan subjunctive mood.

Untuk sesuatu yang diharapkan terjadi di masa lalu, kita gunakan past perfect subjunctive.

Polanya adalah:

wish/if only/would rather + S + had + past participle (v₃)


John didn't come to my party last night. ('real' situation)

I wish he had come. ('unreal' situation)


Learn more about subjunctive:




Subject: English

Category: Structure and Written Expressions

Sub-category: Subjunctive

Level: SHS X

Code: 10.5

Keywords: subjunctive, present, past, unreal

7. ExerciseCharacteristic Value IndependenceNow, answer the following questions based on the information from theabove.1. Who writes the letter?2. What is her full name?3. How does she know Martha?4. At what grade is Martha now?5. What is the purpose of writing the letter?​


ini ceritanya mana gimana mau ngerjain kalau tanpa cerita

8. bangai mana yg di katakan dgn membaca skening dan downing

membaca skening adalah membaca cepat tanpa membaca semua kata yang ada
downing adalah membaca lambat dan menyimak semua makna kalimat atau kata yang ada

9. Complete the dialogue belowJoshua: Hi Martha. Are you busy?Martha: No, I am not. What is it?Joshua: Look at this exercise. …….?Martha: No, I don't. Let's ask Mrs. Tania​


are you the same too?

semoga benar

10. Urutkan percakapan berikut!! 1.it is nice to meet 2.no. i've never met him 3.how do you mrs martha 4.and i do too 5.martha! you know him, don't you? 6.well,then . this is Edwin Collin.Edwin,i'd like you to meet martha Cowell DIALOG Robert :......................................................................................................... Martha : ........................................................................................................ Robert :......................................................................................................... Edwin :......................................................................................................... Martha :......................................................................................................... DI BANTU YA!!!

robert: 5
martha: 2
robert: 6
edwin: 3 dan 1
martha: 4
R: martha you know him (5)
M: no (2)
R: well,then (6)
E: nice to meet you (1)
M: and i do too (4)

11. You interduce Martha to your mother. She is you new friend. You Say ......A. Mom, this is a studentB. Mom, this is Martha my new friendC. Is is a new studentD. Meet my mother, pleaseTolong bantu jawab ya

B.mom,this is martha my new friend

B.Mom, this is Martha my new friend

12. Martha : Do you want to see pictures of my family?Silvia : Oh. Hi Martha. Yeah, of course! Oh. Who ... the baby?Martha : That's my daughter. Her name is Ericka.areamaren'tis​




13. What is martha like?


she's like her mom


or she's very smart


Martha adalah cucu dari Andrew


Martha adalah cucu dari Andrew melalui Elizabeth, ibu Martha, dan Rachel, ibu Elizabeth. Hannah adalah ibu mertua bagi Andrew.

Pertanyaan Terkait:

bagaimana Martha terkait dengan Andrew?


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15. What is the dialogue what is martha opinion about the bag​


apa dialog,apa pendapat Martha tentang tas

16. Dialogue 2Listen to the speaker and fill the blanks!Sean Martha, (1) .................... here?Martha : Oh, (2)....... - Sean. I am waiting for my grandma.Sean Is she sick?Martha : No. She is just doing a routine check-up.Sean : Oh. (3) .......Martha : By the way, why are you here? Who's sick?Sean :I am just visited my neighbor. She got an accident yesterday, but (4)... now.Martha (5)..................... Just be careful if you are going home or wherever you want to go.Sean : Yes, I do. (6) ... for reminding me.Martha (7) ..................... I think I have to go. My grandma has done.Sean : Sure, me too. See you, Martha.Martha : See you.​


1. what are you doing here

2. hi

3. thats great

4. i think my neighbor is okay

5. hey sean

6. thanks

7. no problem

17. Help me. 1. Tim arranges people's holiday for them. He ......... 2. Martha directs films.She is .............. 3. Those are ...... really nice trousers. Where did you get them ?

1. He is a travel agent
2. She is a director
3. Those are really nice trousers

18. TasktRead the following text and answer the questions!Our catrame is Martha is quite young, but it is not a bitten is very pretly. Itand white fur and green eyes. It is smarttoo and very clean.Questions:1. Is Martha ugly?Answer:2. Is it dirty?Answer...3. What animal is Martha?4. What are Martha eyes like?Answer5. "It is smart too and very clean." Mention the synonyms of the underlined wordtAnswer​

No, it isn'tNo, it isn'tIt is a catIt look greensmart = clever, clean = virtuous

19. Fill the blank with simple present continuous tense! 1. Martin (wash) is washing his car now. 2. Udin (run) in the field now. 3. Martha (laugh) with my jokes right now. 4. Lorena (wear) sunglasses. 5. The baby (sleep) in the bed right now. 6. Siti (help) her father in the shop.​


1. martin is washing his car right now.

2. udin is running in the field now.

3. martha is laughing with my jokes right now.

4. lorena is wearing sunglasses.

5. the baby is sleeping in the bed right now.

6. siti is helping her father in the shop.

bantu click terimakasih sama bintang/jawaban terbaik yaa

20. plss ka udah mau di anter nih Fill in the blanks with the right to be ( is, am, are ) In the present continous Tense! 1. Mr. Norman ... ( drive) his car now. 2. We ... (study) english in the lab language now. 3. Martha ... ( sweep ) the floor now. 4. My uncle ... ( visit ) the zoo now. 5. I ... ( teach ) biology now.


1. MR. Norman is driving his car now

2. We are studying english in the lab language now

3. Martha is sweeping the floor now

4. My uncle is visiting the zoo now

5. I am teaching biology now


semoga membantu

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