Kettledrums Seven Little Words


Kettledrums Seven Little Words

Kettledrums, also known as timpani or tympani, are percussion instruments that have been around for centuries. They are used in a variety of musical styles and genres, from classical and jazz to contemporary and world music. Kettledrums are made of a single metal bowl with a skin or head stretched over the top. The sound is produced by striking the head with a mallet, producing a resonant and powerful sound. Kettledrums are often used to provide a dramatic effect in an orchestra, as well as in marching bands. They are also often featured in popular music, from rock and metal to pop and hip-hop. The seven little words that best describe kettledrums would be "powerful, resonant, metal, mallet, orchestra, marching, popular". Kettledrums are an incredibly versatile instrument and can be used to create a wide range of sounds and effects. They are a great way to add texture and depth to any musical arrangement. Whether you’re looking to add a bit of drama to your next performance or just want to explore the possibilities of a new instrument, kettledrums are an excellent choice.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. arrange words bellow into good sentences ! is - half - seven - it - past​


it is half past seven


semoga membantu


it is half past seven.

smoga membantu.

2. What is the summary of little women in 200 words

apa ringkasan wanita kecil dalam 200 kata

3. 10. Write these words into numberFive billion seven hundred ninety eightmillion four hundred thirty five thousandseven hundred and seventy​


Semoga membantu dan jangan lupa bintangnya ^^

4. put in a little or a few before each of the following words

3. Yes, I have

4. chair

5. tomatoes

5. Rearrange these words into meaningful sentencesdrawing - at - a picture - My little sister - is - the table ​


My little sister is drawing a picture at the table.

6. Apa judul ceritra at aquarter to three one afternoon,a little girl,about seven years old,was found wandering outside a police station


A little girl with no parents. Maaf kalo salah.

7. Watermelon seven atau seven watermelon


seven watermelon


terkadang kosakata dalam bahasa inggris bisa kebalik bisa juga normal

kosakata kebalik misalnya

a new people=orang baru

jika kamu artikan dari depan nanti malah menjadi baru orang jadi salah


Seven watermelon


di dalam kata di bahasa Inggris banyak kata yang terbalik bila di artikan dalam bahasa Indonesia

maaf kalau salah

8. Make 5 sentences with a little that has more than six words in each one

1. We have a little sugar in home.
2. I am a little bit confused about you.
3. My mom is a liitle bit worried, because my fathes hasn't come home yet.
4. We use a liitle butter for that cake.
5. Give me a little money, mom. 1. I am very mad at you now!
2. Why are you doing that to me
3. Hey what is your favorite sport right now?
4. Hey guys! What do you guys think of my new home?
5. I hope this answer’s would be helpful for you!

9. Arrange the words to make a good sentence in – there – flowers – are – seven – garden – the​


there are seven flowers in the garden

ada 7 bunga di taman.

selamat malam.

10. how old is agnes monica?A.twenth seven B.thirty seven C.fourty seven D.fifty seven

B.thirty seven.......A.twenth seven
semoga bermanfaat

11. Change the words in the brackets into ‘present continuous tense’ • My little sister ... to walk now. (learn)

my little sister learning to walk now

12. quizz yang pintar bahasa Inggrissoal1.what did the Little mouse do to prove his words?​


the little mouse gnawed away the ropes that bounded the lion to prove that he/she can do the lion a good turn some of those day.

13. Make sentences by using words below at least seven word in each sentences1. Politely2. Truly​


1. Politely

when we walk in front of an older person we have to look down to be politely

2. truly

truly, the butterfly is very beautiful


1. Politely

I like his good manner. He treats the elders so politely.

Aku suka sikap baiknya. Ia memperlakukan para tetua (yang lebih tua) dengan sangat sopan.

2. Truly

It's truly unbelievable that Joan betrayed David.

Sangat tidak bisa dipercaya Joan mengkhianati David.



Truly : (digunakan untuk menyatakan) SANGAT / BENER BENER

Misal : truly unbelievable (bener bener gabisa dipercaya ya)


Maaf kalau ada yang salah:))

Jangan lupa dijadikan jawaban tercerdas apabila jawaban ini membantu:)

14. rearrange the jumbled words into a meaningful sentenceshe - for - here – waited - you – has - since - o'clock - seven​


She - for - here – waited - you – has - since - o'clock - seven = She has waited here for you since seven o'clock.


Present Perfect Tense is a tense that describes an event that has started in the past and is still continuing until now or has been completed at a certain point in time in the past but the effect is still continuing.

Semoga membantu:-)

15. in-seven-snow white-woods-dwarfs-met-the. the correct arrangement of the jumbled words is

Snow white meet the seven dwarfs in woodssnow white met seven dwarfs in the woods

16. 10. Write these words into numberFive billion seven hundred ninety eightmillion four hundred thirty five thousandseven hundred and seventy​




17. 15. I havea. Seven appleb. Seven applesc. Seven oranged. Seven oranges​


sebenarnya ada dua jawaban disini, yaitu b. seven apples dan d. seven oranges

18. seven plus seven equals​


7 + 7 = 14

udah itu aja )))))




Seven plus seven equals fourteen

7 + 7 = 14

19. quizz yang pintar bahasa Inggrissoal 1.what did the little mouse do to prove his words?​


the mouse saved the lion from the hunter's snare by gnawing the rope until it broke. so the lion cn be free.

20. the girl in the picture is my little sister. .... is seven years old. ... name is adida

The girl in the picture is my little sister. she is seven years old. her name is adida

the girl in picture is my little sister . SHE is seven years old her name is adida 

#maaf kalau salah

tolong kasih yang terbaik pls 

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