He Talks to Me by Lorrie Morgan Guitar Chords


He Talks to Me in guitar acoustic version may be one of the good music you liked. Not only enjoying the music but you can play "He Talks to Me by Lorrie Morgan" using guitar too. Yes .. this song by may also be played by that instrument. But, first thing, you need to understand its guitar chords.

If you are looking for He Talks to Me guitar chords, you've visit to the best page.

Yeah,Ya, guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. The more you proceeding, the simple guitar will feel to play He Talks to Me song.

"He Talks to Me" guitar chords has rhythm and included in "Leave the Light On (1989)" album.

He Talks to Me by Lorrie Morgan Guitar Chords



[G]He may not [G/F#]ever be a ladies [Em]man
Maybe his [C]callused hands
Have been too long in the [G]sun
[G]But he always [G/F#]be the one I [Em]love
Cause' [C]he still does
what no one's e[D]ver done
[C]And it means more to me
than [Bm]he will ever know
His [Am]words could never say,
how [C]much I love the [D]way


He [C]talks to [G]me,
It [Bm]does my heart [Em]good
To hear him [C]talk to [G]me,
The [Am]way a lover [D]should
He can [C]ease my frust[G]ration,
with his [Bm]soothing [D]conver[Em]sation
and I [C]love the way
[D]he's not afraid to [C]talk to [G]me


[G]Now you can[G/F#] talk about the f[Em]iner things
Big cars and [C]diamond rings
that light up your [G]life
[G]But let me [G/F#]tell you that the [Em]finest thing
Is the [C]joy he brings
when we turn out [D]the light
[C]And in those moments
[Bm]After we make love
That's [Am]when he holds me close
Give's me [C]what I need the [D]most


He [C]talks to [G]me,
It [Bm]does my heart [Em]good
To hear him [C]talk to [G]me,
The [Am]way a lover [D]should
He can [C]ease my frust[G]ration,
with his [Bm]soothing [D]conver[Em]sation
and I [C]love the way
[D]he's not afraid to [C]talk to [G]me
whoah,I [C]love the way
[D]he's not afraid to [C]talk to [G]me -----------------

If you wanna be master of Lorrie Morgan He Talks to Me guitar chords, you need to understand the 5 major chords, C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords only lack tiny adjustments. Every of those minor chords is perfectly based on its major counterpart.

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