Native People Of Guatemala Crossword


Native People Of Guatemala Crossword

Native People Of Guatemala Crossword is a crossword puzzle game which focuses on the indigenous cultures and people of Guatemala. It is a great way to learn more about the rich history of this country and its people. The game includes questions about traditional clothing, customs, language, and other aspects of the Guatemalan culture. In addition, some of the clues may relate to geography, mythology, and religion. **What kind of questions are included in the game?** The game includes questions about traditional clothing, customs, language, and other aspects of the Guatemalan culture. In addition, some of the clues may relate to geography, mythology, and religion.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. What is the native speaker of Bandung people


Apa penutur asli orang bandung?


itu translate nya


Ismail Marzuki


Ismail Marzuki

Ismail Marzuki adalah salah seorang komponis besar Indonesia. Namanya sekarang diabadikan sebagai suatu pusat seni di Jakarta yaitu Taman Ismail Marzuki di kawasan Cikini, Jakarta Pusat.

-- FDGQWE --

2. who is native people new zealand?​


Maori. The Maori are the native or indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand (Aotearoa – The Long White Cloud).


Semoga Bermanfaat


Become entrenched in tikanga Māori and open up your philosophical mind as you take a journey back to the origins of tikanga itself, how it related to us then and its relevance in today’s ever changing world.  

This one year diploma will introduce you to the presence of tikanga Māori as a highly successful and self-contained system of law. You will explore whakapapa and the beginnings of Māori law, Ranginui, Papatūānuku, Tāne and Tangaroa. In addition, analyse the impact of of Pākehā values on Māori legal systems, and critique legal processes encountered in contemporary times.

This is an excellent tohu for mainstream law graduates who want to enhance existing kete, skills and knowledge. Also those looking to enter into the legal sector, policy and research, or anyone involved in iwi, hapū, marae affairs. 

The Heke (Diploma) begins with the concept of whakapapa which is regarded as the foundation of Māori law, and which leads to a consideration of the fundamental principles of tikanga Māori such as whanaungatanga, utu, tapu and noa. 

3. what's the answer of this Crossword puzzle?​

lebih detailnya buat bukti klo itu nyambung ada di gambar yaa, maaf klo gambarnya kurang memuaskan karena saya lagi ga mood;(.

biar lebih jelas bisa lihat disini ⬇️









perasaan sedih bahwa tidak ada yang berharga itu kecewa(emptiness)sesuatu yang memaksa seseorang untuk memukul ke arah yang khusus yaitu menembak (shot)bagian dalam artinya ya inside.sesuatu yang menjadi kebenaran yaitu kebenaran (truth)untuk dapat hidup dengan eksis yaitu bertahan (survive)



yang dilakukan untuk bisa merobek sesuatu yaitu merobek (tear)persamaan kata vanish adalah disappear yang artinya musnahmenjadi cair akibat kepanasan yaitu meleleh (melt)persamaan kata unhappiness yaitu sorrow yang artinya sedih, suram, dll.sesuatu yang membuat kita kuat adalah tenaga/energi (strength)

kmu bisa isi sendiri di dalam kotaknya klo semuanya nyambung berarti bener.

down➡️menuruncross ➡️mendatar(ke samping)


4. Guatemala berbiara memakai bahasa...

Bahasa resmi Guatemala adalah Spanyol tetapi sebagian besar rakyat menggunakan bahasa melayu.

5. Local people sama artinya dengan A. Native B. Citizen C. Inhabitants D. Residents

sama artinya dengan citizen
citizen adalah warga negara atau penduduk asli/lokal :)
semoga membantu!A. Citizen
citizen berarti warga penduduk

6. design of Crossword Puzzle reasoning mathematical term and words​


maaf ini soal tentang apa ya

7. Intermediate Crossword Puzzle- Months Of The Year





4.maaf gk tau


6.maaf gak tau


8.maaf gak tau




8. Arti komodo dragons is the native animals of indonesia

komodo adalah binatang asli indonesia

9. Swainsona formesa... (to be) one of Australia native legumes

Swainsona formesa IS one of Australia native legumes.

10. letak negara guatemala di pantai samudera... dan kapan musim hujan terjadi di guatemala

di samudera pasifik.
terjadi pada bulan Mei-November.

11. 1. large numbers of people were able to move west after may 10, why?2. why did many people want to move west?3. Hae did the railroad change the western part of the united stated?4. what the life of the native American is?5. who are the people mentioned in the article ?​


2.One of the main reasons people moved west was for the land. There was lots of land, good soil for farming, and it could be bought at a cheap price. In addition, it was very crowded living on the East Coast. The population of the United States was growing at a very fast rate

4.The Arctic.

The Subarctic.

The Northeast.

The Southeast.

The Plains.

The Southwest.

The Great Basin.


12. guatemala ibukotanya apa yah ?

Kota Guatemala adalah ibukota Guatemala.Guatemala ya ibukotanya GUATEMALA

13. Negara berbahasa Guatemala

dalam percakapannya menggunakan bahasa spanyol 

14. And the attemp of native americans. Carilah objek predikat dan subjeknya​


Tidak ada predikat dan object pada kalimat, yang hanya adalah kata 'and' sebagai conjunction dan subject 'the attemp of native americans.'

15. Negara Guatemala sebekahselatan berbatas dengan

samudera pasifik
maaf kalau salahberbatas dg samudera pasifik

16. the worth of an item which has finished its useful life accounting crossword​


nilai suatu item yang telah menyelesaikan teka-teki silang akuntansi masa menfaatnya

17. luas negara guatemala​

Berapa Luas negara Guatemala ​?

Luas negara guatemala​ adalah 108.888 km²


Lua negara Guatemala yang adalah 108.888 km².

Berikut profil selengkapnya dari negara Guatemala :

Republik Guatemala adalah sebuah negara di Amerika Tengah, di selatan benua Amerika Utara, berbatasan dengan Samudra Pasifik dan Laut Karibia. Dia berbatasan dengan Meksiko di utara, Belize di barat laut, dan Honduras dan El Salvador di tenggara. Guatemala merupakan salah satu negara produsen kopi terbesar di dunia. Wikipedia

Ibu kota: Kota Guatemala

Luas: 108.888 km²

Kode panggilan: +502

Presiden: Alejandro Giammattei

Mata uang: Quetzal Guatemala

Peta guatemala saya lampirkan pada gambar...

Semoga membantu...   :)

Semangat belajar...   :)

18. What is the main idea of this text ? A comodo is native animals of indonesia. They are very big. People sometimes call them giant lizards. ....

a comodo is native animals of indonesia

19. where is the native of soursup​


dimana asli sirsak

maaf kalo salah

20. What is the main idea of this text ?A comodo is native animals of indonesia. They are very big. People sometimes call them giant lizards. ....

Comodo is giant lizards.

sepertinya ini :) maaf kalau salah

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