Monologues From Our Town


Monologues From Our Town

The Monologues From Our Town presents a unique challenge in problem-solving. It is important to maintain a human-centered tone when addressing the question or problem and providing an answer or solution. One of the primary issues is the lack of understanding and appreciation for the monologues, which are often seen as too long and repetitive. To address this issue, it is important to emphasize the importance of the monologues in understanding the overall context of the story. The monologues provide a unique opportunity to gain insight into the characters' motivations and emotions. Additionally, the monologues can help to create a more immersive experience for the viewer or reader by highlighting key themes and helping to create a sense of atmosphere. In addition, it is important to create a sense of engagement and connection with the monologues. This can be done by breaking down the text into manageable chunks and emphasizing the importance of understanding the story behind the monologue. Additionally, it is important to focus on the relationships between the characters and their motivations when discussing the monologues. By doing this, viewers and readers can better understand the context in which the monologue is taking place and gain a more meaningful understanding of the story. Overall, the Monologues From Our Town presents a unique challenge in problem-solving. It is important to maintain a human-centered tone when addressing the question or problem and providing an answer or solution. By emphasizing the importance of the monologues, creating a sense of engagement and connection, and focusing on the relationships between the characters, viewers and readers can gain a more meaningful understanding of the story.

Questions and Answers:

1. famous singer in our town ​


famous singer in our town= penyanyi terkenal di kota kami


Maaf kalau salahsemoga bermanfaat

2. ia the zoo far from the town​


adalah kebun binatang yang jauh dari kota

maaf kalau salah

3. There aren't..... in our town.( policeofficers)

There aren't many police officers in our town

4. she's from a small town in China ...?​


Isn't she?

















5. karen took 1 h 45 min to drive from town A to town B. she took another 25 min to drive town B to town C. after that, she drove back to town A. the journey from A to town C and then back to town A took 3 h 35 min. find the persentage of the time she spent driving back o town A from town C.

convert all the time to minute.
A-->B 1h45min = 60+45 = 105min
B--->C 25min
C--->A x min

total time = 3h35min = (3*60)+35 = 215min

timeCA = total time - (timeAB + timeBC)
= 215-(105+25)
= 215-130
= 85 min

%timeCA = (timeCA/total time)*100%
= (85/215)*100%
= 8500/215%
= 39,5 %

6. Jono moves from your home town to jakarta


Jono pindah dari kampungmu ke Jakarta


7. There aren't...policemen in our town

what is the question dude

8. doyou know a story from your city / town

apakah kamu tau kisah dari kota mu?apakah kamu tahu cerita dari kota mu?

9. famous singer in our town dialog?​


penyanyi terkenal dalam dialog kota kita?


saya artikan ke bahasa Indonesia saja

semangat belajar ✨

10. is the zoo far from my town?​


The answer can be yes or no


semoga membantu



apakah kebun binatang jauh dari kotaku?


maaf kalau salah

11. there aren't ..... in our town. (police officers)

police officer kan????police officers benar kan?

12. Write 5 sentences about our town Balikpapan.

balikpapan is a beautiful city/town

balikpapan is a kind town

balikpapan is a nice town

balikpapan is a good town

balikpapan is a famous town

maap klo salah

13. The distance between Town A and Town B is 150 km. A tourist took a taxi that travelled at a speed of 50 km/h from Town A to Town B. How long did the tourist take to travel from Town A to Town B?

Jarak = 150 km

Kecepatan = 50 km/jam


= Jarak : kecepatan

= 150 : 50

= 3 jam


3 hours

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]\text{Time}=\frac{\text{Distance}}{\text{Speed}}=\frac{150}{50}=\boxed{3\text{ hours}}[/tex]

Hope this will help you!!!

note: if the solution doesn't open in the application, please open brainly on the browser

14. Is the zoo far from my town​

Jawaban:teks nya mana?kalo ada insyaallah aku jawab

15. we need more sports facilities in our town...


kami membutuhkan lebih banyak fasilitas olahraga di kota kami

moga membantu ya :)

16. Apa artinya Is the zoo far from my town

Apakah letak kebun bintang jauh dari kota saya? adalah kebun binatang yang jauh dari kota saya

17. kak tolong tulisin contoh teks monologues

I am Andy. I am 8 years old. I from Bandung. My father is Ardi. My mother is Ani.

18. There aren't...policemen in our town

Jawaban:There aren't any policemen in our town


There aren't many policeman in our town

19. The town we visited was a four-days journey from our hotel so we took the train instead of the bus.

Tak dijumpai pertanyaan pada soal dan kalimat hanya berupa pernyataan. Jika maksud pertanyaan adalah unsur dalam kalimat yang keliru penulisannya maka jawabannya adalah “four-days”. Penulisan yang benar, sebab sudah ada hypen (-) adalah “four-day”.


Soal di atas berkaitan dengan ‘hyphens with numbers’. Saat kita mengkombinasikan dua atau lebih kata untuk membentuk sebuah ‘compound adjective’ di depan kata benda maka kita melengkapnya dengan ‘hyphens’ atau tanda penghubung (-). Sebagai contoh pada soal di atas, pada kata ‘four-days’, menggunakan tanda hubung sehingga membentuk compound adjective yang menjelaskan angka. Oleh sebab itu maka ‘s’ pada kata days tak lagi digunakan.

Pelajari Lebih LanjutMateri tentang tenses



20. In this part of the test,you will hear some monologues spoken in english.The monologues will be spoken twice.

Artinya: Di bagian tes ini, anda akan mendengar beberapa monolog yang di ucapkan dalam bahasa Inggris. Monolog akan di ucapkan dua kali.

Semoga Membantu

Maaf sebelumnya, ini perintahnya menjawab pertanyaannya atau mencari artinya?

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