Journey Lyrics Midnight Train


Journey Lyrics Midnight Train

Journey's "Midnight Train"


"Midnight Train" is a classic rock ballad by the band Journey. Released in 1980, it was the lead single from their album Departure. The song tells a story of a man who is leaving his home to travel on a midnight train, leaving behind his beloved, as he must do to pursue his dreams.


The song is about the struggles of leaving home and the heartache of leaving loved ones behind in pursuit of one's dreams. It is a bittersweet song, as the man in the song is hopeful for the future, but sad to be leaving those he loves.


"Midnight Train" has become one of Journey's most beloved songs and is a classic rock radio staple. It is a classic example of the power of rock music to evoke powerful emotions and tell a compelling story.
"Midnight Train" is a timeless classic that captures the bittersweet feeling of leaving home in pursuit of one's dreams. It is a powerful testament to the power of rock music and a classic example of the genre.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 1. There are ... classes offered by thetrain company for the journey.​

Jawaban:There are bargain right classes offered by the

train company for the journey.​

Penjelasan:ada kelas yang ditawar kan dengan keretaperusahaan untuk perjalanan,

maaf klo salah

2. A train travelling at 160km/h takes 5 hours for a journey. How long would it take a train travelling at 200 km/h?


4 hours

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

160km/h x 5 hours = 800km

if the distance is 800km

so, 800km : 200km/h = 4 hours

3. long the journey to Surabaya if you take kertajaya?2. which train has the shortest trip time?​


1. It's 7 hours and 30 minutes.

2. Argo Anggrek.

4. Departure (Semarang) Arrival (Surabaya) Train Eastern Sun 6:30 am 3:00 pm Arya Triwangsa 9:30 am 5:00 pm Fajar Express 5:30 am 1:00 pm 6:00 am Midnight Express 10:30 pm How long the journey to Surabaya if you take Eastern Sun?​


8 hour 30 minutes


15:00 - 06:30 = 8 :30

60 - 30 = 30

15 - 1 = 14

14 - 6 = 8

5. The town we visited was a four-days journey from our hotel so we took the train instead of the bus.

Tak dijumpai pertanyaan pada soal dan kalimat hanya berupa pernyataan. Jika maksud pertanyaan adalah unsur dalam kalimat yang keliru penulisannya maka jawabannya adalah “four-days”. Penulisan yang benar, sebab sudah ada hypen (-) adalah “four-day”.


Soal di atas berkaitan dengan ‘hyphens with numbers’. Saat kita mengkombinasikan dua atau lebih kata untuk membentuk sebuah ‘compound adjective’ di depan kata benda maka kita melengkapnya dengan ‘hyphens’ atau tanda penghubung (-). Sebagai contoh pada soal di atas, pada kata ‘four-days’, menggunakan tanda hubung sehingga membentuk compound adjective yang menjelaskan angka. Oleh sebab itu maka ‘s’ pada kata days tak lagi digunakan.

Pelajari Lebih LanjutMateri tentang tenses



6. midnight sun adalah​


matahari tengah malam

maaf kalau salah semoga membantu


Midnight=tengah malam


=Matahari tengah malam


Maaf ya kk klu salah

7. Read the sentences about a journey to the seaside on a train.For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.Use no more than three words.Example:0. We knew the journey to the seaside would be exciting. We knew the journey to the seaside was going to be exciting.21. It was the first time my brother and I had travelled to the seaside by train. My brother and I had ........................... travelled to the seaside by train before.22. We were given some money for the journey by our mum. Our mum ........................... us some money for the journey.23. We found out that travelling by train is more expensive than travelling by bus. We found out that travelling by bus is ........................... than travelling by train.24. Our train tickets were checked by the guard. It was the guard ........................... checked our train tickets.25. The trip was so good that we'll never forget it. It was ........................... a good trip that we'll never forget it.​


gakkk tau semuanyA


8. midnight itu jam berapa?

Midnight adalah bahasa inggris dari tengah malam kira kira jam 12.00

semoga membantutengah malam atau jam 12.00

9. A train began its journey at 8.30 a.m and travelled 208 km towards its destinantion. What time did the train reach the destination if its average speed was 32 km/h?

t = s : v
t = 208 : 32
t = 6hours 30 minutes

reach the destination at
08.30 + 06.30 = 15.00 p.m

10. Train Eastern SunArya Triwangsa Fajar Express Midnight Express Departure (Semarang) 06.30 a.m 09.30 a.m 05.30 a.m 10.30 p.m Arrival (Surabaya) 03.00 p.m 05.00 p.m 01.00p.m 06.00 a.m 6. If you want to go to Surabaya at 05.30 a.m., you have to take train.... a. Eastern Sun b. Arya Triwangsa c.Fajar Express d. Midnight Express​


C. fajar express


karena jam keberangkatan fajar express berangkat pada 5.30 am dan itu dijelaskan klo kmu mau berangkat dijam tsb sesuai dengan jadwal keberangkatan fajar express

11. pengertian dari midnight

midnight artinya tengah malamtengah malam
maaf kalo salah

12. how was your journey. ?it was fantastic journeyit were a wonderful journey​


it was a fantastic journey.

sorry ya kalo salah...

13. Yang benar penulisannya yang mana ya kak? "midnight in an office" / "midnight in office" atau lainnya?


midninght in the office


mohon maaf jika salah


Menurutku Midnight in Office


karena jika sudah ada in, tidak usah memakai an karena an ditunjukan untuk sebuah/kata benda

“An” digunakan saat berhadapan dengan kata benda berawalan huruf konsonan namun berbunyi vokal seperti

An honor

An hour

14. apa anthem liverpool fc dan tuliskan lyrics serta pesan yang disampaikan dalam anthem lyrics ?

You’ll never walk alone

15. buat 5 lyrics dan berikan opini dari masing masing lyrics tersebut

1. I have a dream - westlife
    maksudnya agar kita terus bermimpi
2. rise - katy perry
    artinya agar kita terus bangkit meskipun telah terjatuh
3. try everything - shakira
    artinya agar kita tidak pernah lelah untuk mencoba suatu hal baru ( hal yang positif)
4. how far i'll go - alessia cara
    artinya agar kita tetap berusaha mencari tau tanpa henti hali desekeliling kita, meskipun dianggap melanggar hukum adat
5. evil like me - kristen chenoweth, dove cameron (desney descendants)
    artinya ia mengajak dan menawarkan anaknya untuk/agar meneruskan hal yang sudah ia lakukan seumur hidupnya

16. A train leaves Johannesburg at 09 45 and arrives in Pretoria at 1032. How many minutes does the journey take?


47 minutes

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


• Train left the station at 09.45

• Train arrived in Pretoria at 10.32






Maka, kita 09.45 + 47 menit = 09.92

09.92 = 10.32

17. one31. There are . . . classes offered by thetrain company for the journey.A.B. twoC. threeD. four​


B. two


Ada . . . kelas yang ditawarkan oleh

melatih perusahaan untuk perjalanan, yaitu Executive dan Business

18. They robbed the house at midnight.The passive voice is: A.The house are robbed at midnight. B.The house is robbed at midnight. C.The house was robbed at midnight D.The house were robbed at midnight.​

They robbed the house at midnight.

In passive voice is :

C. The house was robbed at midnight

= was menandakan subjek berjumlah 1 saja. Robbed adalah bentuk v3 dari rob. Sedangkan untuk objek dijadikan sebagai subjek, begitu pula sebaliknya.

semoga membantu

semangat dan jaga kesehatan selalu :)

19. Last Quiz (Midnight Edition)Midnight is... (Explain in English)​


Midnight is when one day changes to the next (Tengah malam adalah saat pergantian suatu hari ke hari berikutnya).


Midnight is artinya tengah malam adalah

maaf kalo salah ya kak



Midnight is a noun that describe the middle of the night.

Midnight = explains the change of time from one day to the next

Midnight meaning in Indonesia => tengah malam

20. To visit his brother, Anto takes a car 11.37 kilometers and a train 15.25 kilometer. How many kilometers is Anto's journey in total?




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