As Sales Manager Joe Batista Was Given The Following


As Sales Manager Joe Batista Was Given The Following

As Sales Manager Joe Batista was given the following: "We need to improve our sales performance in order to meet our quarterly goals." Joe Batista, as Sales Manager, understands the importance of meeting our quarterly goals in order to maintain a successful business. To do this, he is committed to exploring all available options to improve our sales performance. He will analyze previous sales data, research current market trends, and assess customer feedback to craft a strategy that will maximize our sales potential. Joe will then work to implement the strategy and monitor its success. By utilizing strategic planning, data-driven decisions, and customer-focused initiatives, Joe is confident in our ability to reach our quarterly goals.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. The manager was rather doubtful to the team, because it often ... to fulfil the sales targets. (3)


The manager was rather doubtful to the team, because it often fails to fulfil the sales targets.

Semoga membantu :)

2. ... marketing is concerned, the best thing to do is to talk with the sales manager.a. as muchb. as far asc. as ford. thuse. so that ​


D Thus kalau ngak salah

3. 1. What does the applicant expect after sending the letter? a. The manager will contact her b. She will not be contacted by the manager c. The manager will accept her application d. She will become a manager e. Whe will become an employee 2. To whom was the letter sent? a. Sales manager b. Managing director c. HRD manager d. HRD sales representative e. HRD office

Jawaban: 1. A. The manager will contact her

2. E. HRD office


4. What task do sales manager spend the most time on? A. Training salespeople B. Performing administrave tasks C. Reviewing sales records D. Making sales assignment


What task do sales manager spend the most time on?

A. Training salespeople

B. Performing administrave tasks

C. Reviewing sales records

D. Making sales assignment

5. before we checked out of the hotel the sales manager told us that the bill____

must be pay
maaf kalo salah :3

6. arrange the following scrambled words into correct sentences! works-mr.andri-manager-a-as-an-office-at​

Mr. Andri works as a manager at an office.
Atau bisa juga, Mr. Andri works at an office as a manager.

Terjemah; pak Andri kerja sebagai manajer di sebuah kantor.

7. change this sentence into active voice:An application letter for the position as manager in the company was by marjono yesterday


Marjono (sent) an application letter for the position as manager in the company yesterday.

8. no other sales manager (sign) ____ as many contracts as i did this past year.yg lengkap kak jwbnya biar paham, thank you :)​


Hm (◍•ᴗ•◍)

No other sales manager signed as many contracts as i did this past year.

Cmiiw (。•̀ᴗ-)✧




Talking about past, the answer it should be past. Hope this help.

9. Sales manager a multinational company seeks a sales manager for its office products division. Candidate must have 10 years experience in sales development and management in the field and the ability to motvate and train incoming sales staff. Good salary and benefits package. Qualified candidates should send their resumes to: Daily News, Box 8552,1627 Elm Street, Adeleide, Australia. Where should applicants send their resumes? a. To the division manager; b. To the company; c. To Sales Manager; d. To the newspaper; e. To the vice-president of sales.


1.the text is about job vacancy

2.the job offers as sales manager of the requirements must be fulfilled by appliciant is candidate must have 10 years experiences in sales development

4.the company gives good salary and benefit package

5.they should send their resumes to the daily news, box 8552, 1627 elm street , adelaide, australia

semoga membantu

10. application letter sales manager

aplikasi surat mengelola penjualan

11. task 5 1.joe meets masa for the following situation​

seni budaya dan ketrpilan

12. Joe . . . . as he was phoning his wifea.ranb.runc.runnedd.runse.rans​


jawaban a. ran






rans==> -

13. apa yang dipelajari untuk menjadi sales manager

•harus belajar bertanggung jawab
•jangan males malesan
•ngelamar kerja nya harus jujur dan baca bismilah

14. Which segment of the business is looking for a sales manager

The sales department,

15. Write how to congratulate and give compliment based onfollowing situation !1.Your cousin won English Speech Contest in the school2.your uncle got promotion as sales manager on his office​


1. congratulations! my brother,you are very talented in the speech competition, you should win,

2.Congratulations uncle, you are very lucky and accomplished in this regard, I hope your work will run smoothly and successfully




16. no other sales manager (sign) many countracts as I did this past yearpakai simple past atau present perfect?​



Tense nya simple past karena menggunakan keterangan waktu past year (tahun lalu).

semoga membantu yaa

17. the following is the task of a manager except​


The manager is the person responsible for directing efforts aimed at helping the organization achieve its goals.

Managing the work of a manager means that we talk about the four specific functions of a manager, namely planning, organizing, leading and controlling.


Sorry of wrong


18. Change the following Active Voice into Passive Voice :a. I’m applying for the project manager position advertised.b. My current job as a project management has given me a firsthand experience.​


a. the project manager position advertised is being applied by me

b. I have been given a first-hand experience as a project management by my current job

19. Antony is speaking to Mr.Brown, the sales manager at PT Cola Cola


Antony berbicara ke bapak brown, yang merukapan manajer sales di PT cola cola

20. .... marketing is concerned, the best thing to do is to talk with sales manager. a. as muchb. as far asc. as ford. thuse. so that

d. thus

mungkin kalo salah maaaf

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