Trump Hair Cotton Candy


Trump Hair Cotton Candy

If you're looking for a unique treat for your next event, you might want to consider Trump Hair Cotton Candy. This new treat is a delicious, fluffy candy made from spun sugar. It comes in a variety of colors and shapes, but the defining feature of this cotton candy is that it is made to look like President Trump's signature hairdo. The Trump Hair Cotton Candy is a fun and creative way to show support for the President. It's also a great way to add a unique and delicious treat to any party or gathering. Each bag of cotton candy is handmade and comes with a variety of shapes and colors. The candy is made with all natural ingredients and has a light and airy texture. The Trump Hair Cotton Candy is a great way to show support for the President in a fun and creative way. It's a perfect treat for any occasion and sure to be a hit with adults and kids alike. So if you're looking for something unique and delicious, be sure to check out Trump Hair Cotton Candy.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. This ice cream ... like cotton candy, doesn’t it? A.TASTE B.TASTED C.TASTES D.TASTING

c. tastes

this ice cream tastes like cotton candy, doesn't it?

This ice cream (Tasted) like cotton candy, doesn't it?

2. This ice cream ... like cotton candy, doesn’t it? A.TASTE B.TASTED C.TASTES D.TASTING


C Tastes maaf kalo salah ya


Jawabannya a. Taste

Penjelasan:maaf kalau salah

3. main idea and title dari paragraf ini Most American families can afford to buy cotton candy these days, but it wasn't always that way. Cotton candy was first made in Europe during the 17th century, but making it back then took a lot of work and most people couldn't afford it. In 1897 William Morrison and John Wharton invented machine-spun cotton candy. This made cotton candy much cheaper to produce. People fell in love with the treat when Morrison and Wharton introduced it at the 1904 World's Fair. Morrison and Wharton called the treat "fairy floss," it was Joseph Lascaux who actually called the treat "cotton candy" in 1921. The next big breakthrough came in the 1970s, when a machine was invented that created the cotton candy and packaged it automatically. This made producing and distributing cotton candy cheaper and easier than ever. Now cotton candy can be found in carnivals, fairs, and circuses around the world. Aside from the delicious taste, the best part about today's cotton candy is its affordability.

Main idea: Most American families can afford to buy cotton candy these days, but it wasn't always that way (gagasan utama dari paragraf tersebut terletak di awal paragraf karena kalimat setelah gagasan utama dari paragraf yang Anda berikan merupakan penjabaran dari gagasan utama). Title: Cotton Candy. @AlfianHid

4. Jelaskan tentang pernyataan trump

mengusir muslim dari amerika dan membentuk negara amerika yang baru

5. a7. Do you know that ... a candy sticks on yourhair?​


7. There Is


Gak Ngerti Tapi Ini Sebisaku :v

6. Kenapa donald trump bisa jadi presiden AS, sementara donald trump orang yahudi?

karena amerika bukan negara islam,dan negara yang tidak menerapkan peraturan dimana presiden diharuskan memeluk agama islam

7. He is Donal Trump. He isand american mediapersonality. businessman. He hasshort and blonde hair.​

Correction =

He Is Donald Trump. He Is An American Media Personality. He Was A Businessman. He Has Short And Blonde Hair.

Additional Word =

He Was The President Of The America

8. Bob has 37 candy he ate 26 candy how many candy she left


Bob has 11 candies left


37 - 26 = 11





maaf kalau salah

9. bedanya cotton fleece dan cotton dort apa dan lebih bagus mana?

Cotton Fleece
+ Lebih Sejuk  dan lebih halus di kulit
+ Hasil sablonan yang lebih baik
- Harga Mahal
- Umur Pendek ( Lebih cepat rusak kalau sering di cuci)

+ Harga lebih murah
+ Bahan lebih ringan
+ Umur lebih panjang
- Sablonan sering pecah

Bagusan Dort

Good Luck...



a obama



A. Obama

Semoga membantu :)

11. Siapakah Donald Trump?

presiden terpilih selanjutnya yang akan mengganti Presiden Obama setelah masa menjabatnya selesai.

12. Siapa itu Donald Trump

presiden Amerika serikatSiapa itu Donald Trump ?
Donald John Trump adalah pebisnis,tokoh telivisi,politikus dan Presiden Amerika Serikat ke 45.
ask? bio

13. do you know that .... a candy stick on your hair​

Did you know that you have a candy cane in your hair

Maaf kalo salah :'(



Jadi: do you know that, there’s a candy stick on your hair

14. which is the correct order?a.a dirty old cotton old cotton dirty tiec.a dirty cotton old tied.a cotton dirty old old tie dirty cotton​

A. A dirty old cotton tie


a.a dirty old cotton tie

"sebuah dasi katun tua yang kotor"

urutannya determiner(a/an) - opinion/adj - usia/age-bahan- baru main nounnya

hal ini disebut noun phrase

1. Determiner, isinya a / an (sebuah) atau bisa juga the

2. Opinion, opini orang ttg benda utama. (mis. handsome, beautiful, cute, dll.)

3. Size, ukuran dong (mis. small. large, big, huge, dll)

4. Age, umur, jaman, pokonya yang berhubungan dengan waktu (mis. old, modern, dll)

5. Temperature, dah tau kan?

6. Shape, bentuk, penampakan, dll

7. Colour, gampang gak perlu dibahas

8. Original, maksudnya adalah asal benda utama (berasal). Terdiri dari dua;

, maksudnya adalah asal benda utama (berasal). Terdiri dari dua;Country / City, asal tempat (negara/kota), maksudnya adalah asal benda utama (berasal). Terdiri dari dua;Country / City, asal tempat (negara/kota)Material, asal bahan (besi, emas, kain, dll)

9. Purpose, berhubungan dengan tujuan dari benda utama.

10. Noun, nah yang terakhir ini adalah kata benda utama

hope it helps you!

15. siapakah Donald Trump?​


presiden Amerika sekarang

16. When was cotton invented? Who invented cotton? Where was cotton invented?


discovered and estimated to be from 8000 YEARS ago.

discovered by archaeologists from a Mexican cave.

indus valley civilization since 3000 yrs BC.


maaf kalo salah

17. Bob have 36 candy he eats 29 candy how much candy he is have​


Bob have 7 candies

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


18. Biography tentang donald trump​


lahir= 14 Juni 1946

presiden Amerika sejak 2017

pasangan= Melania Trump

anak = Ivanka Trump,Tiffany Trump, Donald Trump jr.,Barron Trump,Eric Trump

19. siapakah donald trump

ia adalah wirausahawanwirausahawan

semoga membantu

20. candy, candy apa yang besar banget?

candi borobudur, candi Prambanan , candi Cangkuang

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