43 Liters To Gallons


43 Liters To Gallons

43 Liters to Gallons

What is a Liter?

A liter is a metric unit of volume and is equal to 1 cubic decimeter or 1000 cubic centimeters. It is commonly used to measure the volume of liquids, such as water, milk, and gasoline.

What is a Gallon?

A gallon is an imperial unit of volume and is equal to 4 quarts or 8 pints. It is commonly used to measure the volume of liquids, such as water, milk, and gasoline.

How to Convert 43 Liters to Gallons

The conversion from liters to gallons is quite simple. To convert 43 liters to gallons, simply multiply the number of liters by 0.264172052.
43 Liters x 0.264172052 = 11.355 Gallons
Therefore, 43 liters is equal to 11.355 gallons.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. One gallon contains 8 2/3 liter of water. How many liters of water do such 3 gallons contain?

[tex]8 \frac{2}{3} \times 3[/tex]

[tex] = \frac{26}{3} \times 3[/tex]

[tex] = 26 \: liter[/tex]


[tex]8 \frac{2}{3} \times 3 \\ \\ = \frac{26}{3} \times 3 \\ \\ = 26 \: liter[/tex]

2. a bath contains initially 20 liters and is filled up to 60 liters. the time it takes to charge is 4 minute. determine how many ........ liters/minut needed to fill the tub​

the gap between 20 liters to 60 liters would be 40 liters which means it takes 4 minutes to fill 40 liters.

from that we can say:

40 liters/4 minutes

we can simplify it to:

10 liters/minute

from that we know to fill the whole 60 liter tub it will take 6 minutes.

3. how much liters we need to drink everyday?​


2 liter per day or 8 glass of water


The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is:

   11.5 cups (2.7 liters) a day for women    15.5 cups (3.7 liters) a day for men


sorry if wrong

wrong? comment in the comments column

4. 14 liters = dm kubik

gitulah cukup simple kan1 liter = 1 dm kubik
maka 14 liter = 14 dm kubik

5. Water flows from a tap at a rate of 13 liters every 5 minutes. At this rate, how long will it take for the tap to fill 117 liters?


45 minutes

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

13/117 = 5/x

13x = 585

x = 45

6. A house painting company has 8 1/4 gallons of paint available to paint available to paint a house. the paint will be divided equally among 3 painters. how many gallons of paint will each painter receive?.....

I think so..
8 1/4 : 3
= 33/4 :3
= 2.75 atau 2 3/4

so, Many gallons of paint will each painter receive is 2 3/4 ..

8 * 1/4 = 8/4 = 2 gallons There are 3 painters so each painter will get 1/3*2 gallons = 2/3 of a gallon per painter... So, 2/3 of gallon per painter... Thank you :D

7. ... and expelling more than the thousand gallons during each eruption. the underlined word is closests in meaning to...

In Indo: .....dan mengeluarkan lebih dari seribu galon selama setiap letusan . kata yang digaris bawahi adalah yang paling dekat dalam arti untuk.....

8. bantu jwb❗1. The total capacity of 3 identical jerry cans is 8.4 gallons, what is the capacity of 1 jerry can in milliliters?2. the volume of 1 juice box of orange juice is 0.2 quarts. what is the volume of 13 juice boxes in liters?3. a fish tank has a capacity of 50 gallons if there's already 60 liters of water in it, how kany liters of water is needed to fill it up completely?4. How many milliliters of water do you need to fill up a 12 pint fish bowl?5. what can hold more water: 100 gallon bathtub or a 380,00p milliliters aquarium?makasi yg jwb in, klo bisa pakai cara kak, ❗​

1. kurang lebih 6.333

2. 2,6 L

3. 890 L

4. 12.000 ml

5. bathub

9. 1 m3 = berapa liters

1 m³ = 1000 dm³ = 1000 liter1m3=1X1000=1000liter
maaf kalau salah

10. 5040 cm3= ___________ liters ____________ ml​


Cm3 ke L = ÷ 1000

sehingga 5040cm3 = 5,040Liter

Cm3 ke mL = × 1

sehingga 5040cm3 = 5.040mL

jawab jika kubik di jadikan bisa maka di kali 1000

semogamembantu :)

11. How.... liters of fuel do we need to go to that place?

jawabannya adalah :how much How Much liters of fuel do we need to go to that place?

Maka Jawabannya adalah Much

12. Suppose that the quantity of root beer demanded declines from 103,000 gallons per week to 97,000 gallons per week as a consequence of a 10 percent increase in the price of root beer. The price elasticity of demand is…….

So the price elasticity of demand is..

The formula =>
Ed = %∆Q / %∆P
     = % (6000 / 97000) / 10%
     = 6,18% / 10%
     = 0,618 % (Inelastis)

Good Luck! :D

13. Estimete the number of gallons


perkiraan jumlah galon


semoga membantu ya

14. 3000 cm3= ___________ liters​




Tangga satuan Volume adalah salah satu tangga dalam ilmu Matematika, yang wajib kita ketahui dan hafalkan karena jika ingin menyelesaikan soal harus dan wajib tau tentang Tangga Satuan Volume. Mari kita pelajari lebih lanjut lagi

Berikut, Tangga Satuan Volume







Jika turun 1 tangga maka dikali 1000

Jika naik 1 tangga maka dibagi 1000

Nah, bagi yang menanyakan kenapa?, kenapa bisa 1000 gak 10 ?. Ya kita sudah biasa dan kita sudah banyak yang tau kalau tangga di Matematika naik turun itu 10. Tapii tangga satuan Volume ini berbeda. Lah apa bedanya ?, bedanya adalah pangkat 3-nya (³) karena pangkat 3 jadi seribu jika pangkat 2 maka seratus. Nah sudah mengerti kan tentang Tangga Satuan Volume ?. Oke mari kita bahas soalnyaa

Sebelum kita menyelesaikan soal ada yang wajib sekali kita ketahui bahwa hubungan tangga satuan Volume dengan tangga satuan Liter adalah

dm³ -------> liter. Setalah kita tau mari kita menyelesaikan soal nya ! ✍


3000 cm³ = . . . . . Liter

= 3000 ÷ 1000

= 3Liter

Semoga bermanfaat !! (≧▽≦)

15. 2006 cm3= ___________ liters ____________ ml​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

kalau kubik di jadiin biasa di kali 1000

jadi kita ubah dulu lalu di bagi karna cm naik 2 jenjang dan dikali karena liter turun 3 jenjang

semogabermanfaat :)

16. A car requires 50 liters of gasoline to travel 450 km. If the car consumes 5 liters of gasoline, determine the distance traveled?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] \frac{450}{50} = \frac{x}{5} \\ 450 \times 5 = 50 \times x \\ 2.250 = 50x \\ \frac{2.250}{50} = x \\ 45 = x[/tex]




17. 1 gallons per thousand berapa liter

10 liter
Klo gk salah :)

18. The rectangular tank below contains 2.07 liters of water. How much more water must be added to fill the container to the brim? Give your answer in liters.​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

is known=length=11cm



=water filled = 2.07 L (2.070 Cm)

asked = how many liters of water to fill the tank?




=4.125 Cm

a lot of water to add

=4.125 - 2.070

=2.055Cm/2,055 L

sorry if there is a mistake....

19. 3. How many liters of chicken broth in need?a. 3 litersb. 4 litersC. 5 litersd. 8 liters​


C.5 liters


Maaf klo salah

8 liters i think?

kasih terimakasih apa :"(

20. A tub had 84 liters of water. 2/5 of the water was used to wash a car how many liters of the water were used?​


[tex]84 \times \frac{2}{5} \\ \frac{84 \times 2}{5} \\ \frac{168}{5} \\ 33.6 \: l[/tex]

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