350 Euros To Us Dollars


350 Euros To Us Dollars

Converting 350 Euros to US Dollars


The current exchange rate for 1 Euro to US Dollars is 1.18 USD. Therefore, 350 Euros is equivalent to 412 US Dollars (USD).
US Dollars = Euros x Exchange Rate USD = 350 x 1.18 USD = 412

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 7. Tommy can exchange 8euros for 11 dollars. At this rate, how many dollars can Tommy get with 12 euros?

d = 12×11/8 = 33/2 =16,5 dollars

2. 1 US Dollars berapa rupiah?

13.800 ribu tergantung waktu juga bisa berubah rubah setiap saat13.000 rupiah = 1 us dollar

3. 149 us dollarsbhs inggrisnya 149

One hundred forty-nine...
smg membantu149 = one hundred forty nine

Semoga membantu :)

4. (8)A money changer offers an exchange rate of 0.65 Euros for 1 Singaporedollar. At this rate, how many Singapore dollars will Cathy get if she givesthe money changer 975 Euros?​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

975 / 0.65 = 1500 S$

5. kevin have 1.000 $ us dollars kevin want a buy pc its cost 325 $ us dollars and iphone 11 cost 375 $ us dollars and mouse cost 25 $ us dollars and some keyboard 65 $ us dollars how many kevin money spentini arti indonesianyakevin memiliki 1.000 $ us dolar kevin ingin membeli pc harganya 325 $ us dollar dan iphone 11 seharga 375 $ us dollar dan mouse seharga 25 $ us dollar dan beberapa keyboard 65 $ us dollar berapa uang kevin yang dikeluarkan1.000 us dollar = 1 juta uang indonesia


210$ dollar atau dirupiahkan menjadi 2.988.720.00


semoga membantu


Kevin spent about 790$ US Dollars

g ada penjelasan

6. 7.Why should Ray fill out this form?A. To open a bank account.B. To get some money for free.C.. To withdraw his money.D. To apply as a bank teller.E. To register as a bank officer.8.How much money does the teller give to Ray?A: Fifty dollars.B. Twelve dollars.One hundred dollars.One hundred and twenty dollars.E. Twelve hundred thousand dollars.​


7. A.



tidak ada lampiran gambar atau percakapan???

7. $75.7 = Rp.???? Dollars to Rupiah ( $1 = Rp 10000 )

75.7 × 10000 = 757000$1 = 10.000

$75.7 = 75.7 ( 10.000 )
$75.7 = 755.000

śémøğá męmbāñţű ^_^

8. Convert 3 US Dollars into Malaysian ringgit...... ..................... Malaysian ringgit​


3 UD Dollars into Malaysian ringgit

13,17 Malaysian Ringgit

9. If 1.00 pounds = 1.20 euros, How many pounds is 60.00 euros?


1.00 pounds = 1.20 euros

60.00 pounds = 60.00×1.20 = 72.00 euros

10. 10. How much money does the teller give to Ray?A. Fifty dollarsB. Twelve dollars.C. One hundred dollars.D. One hundred and twenty dollars.E. Twelve hundred thousand dollars.​


E. Twelve hundred thousand dollars.



d.one hundread and twenty dollars


$120=one hundread and twenty dollars

one hundread=seratus

twenty =dua puluh


seratus dua puluh dolar

kalo salah maaf

11. b) Eighty six point sixteen million dollars = c) eighty six dollars seventy three = d) ninety one million, six hundred twenty seven thousand, eighty one = e) Sixty one point seventeen billion euros = penulisannya bagaimana ya ?

B. 86.160.000$
C. 86.73$
D. 91.627.081

Like this, maybe? Sorry if it’s wrong :(

12. this is a non - smoking hotel it is necessary for all guest to leave their passports at reception it is possible to have meals in the restaurant or in the rooms hotel guest are not allowed to have visitors after 10 P.M we accept payment in euros , US dollars , and UK poundslook at the hotel "rules" and then complete the sentences about them. use an appropriate modal verbs (can , can't , must , mustn't ) 1.you...leave your passport at reception 2.you....have meals on the rooms. 3.you... have visitors in your room after 10 P.M. 4.you....pay in euros if you do not want to. 5.you.....pay in euros , US dollars , or UK pounds​

1. Must
2. Can
3. Can’t
4. Mustn’t
5. Can

Semoga membantu.
Semangat teruss belajarnyaaa

13. this is a non - smoking hotel it is necessary for all guest to leave their passports at reception it is possible to have meals in the restaurant or in the rooms hotel guest are not allowed to have visitors after 10 P.M we accept payment in euros , US dollars , and UK poundslook at the hotel "rules" and then complete the sentences about them. use an appropriate modal verbs (can , can't , must , mustn't ) 1.you...leave your passport at reception 2.you....have meals on the rooms. 3.you... have visitors in your room after 10 P.M. 4.you....pay in euros if you do not want to. 5.you.....pay in euros , US dollars , or UK pounds​


1. can

2. can

3. must not

4. can

5. can

14. Vena is at Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport to go back to Indonesia. She is starving. However, she runs out of Euros and forgets to exchange her rupiah to Euros. What should she do?​

She can seek a help from her phone if she has a phone, call or text for help to somebody she knows, if she's lost her phone or either dont have a phone, she can ask a help to the airport's worker or some help center to call someone to help her.

I hope it helps you.

15. Exchange Rate untuk US dollars adalah 0.87 British pound dan 1.06 euro. Hitung : a. Harga equivalen dari sebuah laptop seharga 470 British Pound kedalam US dollars dan Euro. b. Konversi 700 euro ke Us dollars dan British Pound.​​

Exchange Rate untuk US dollars adalah 0.87 British pound dan 1.06 euro. Hitung :  

a. Harga equivalen dari sebuah laptop seharga 470 British Pound kedalam US dollars dan Euro.  

b. Konversi 700 euro ke Us dollars dan British Pound.​​

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut dapat dilihat pada penjelasan dibawah ini.


Harga equivalen dari sebuah laptop seharga 470 British Pound kedalam US dollars dan Euro jika exchange Rate untuk US dollars adalah 0.87 British pound dan 1.06 euro.

470 / 0,87 = 540,22 US$

470 / 1.06 = 433,3 Euro

Konversi 700 euro ke Us dollars dan British Pound.​  jika exchange Rate untuk US dollars adalah 0.87 British pound dan 1.06 euro.

700 / 0,87 = 804 US$

700 / 1.06 = 660,37 British Pound.


untuk menghitung exchange rate,  atau disaat kita akan menukar uang ke bank devisa atau money changer, agar kita tidak merasa bingung atas kurs jual atau kurs beli yang berlaku, maka kita harus menempatkan diri kita sebagai money changer atau pegawai bank devisa, jadi disaat ada orang yang akan menukar uang asing ke dalam bentuk mata uang kita, maka posisi yang diambil adalah kurs beli, dan jika ada orang yang akan menukar uang lokal  dengan uang asing, maka kurs yang berlaku adalah kurs jual.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Materi tentang keunggulan komparatif brainly.co.id/tugas/17392873

2. Materi tentang perdagangan Internasional brainly.co.id/tugas/1525915

3. Materi tentang keunggulan mutlak brainly.co.id/tugas/10789154


Detil Jawaban

Kelas : IX (3 SMP)

Mapel : IPS

Bab : Perdagangan Internasional

Kode : 9.10.7

Kata Kunci : Exchange Rate, Kurs.

16. jika 5 dollars amerika Sama dengan rp47.000. maka rp28.200= us dijawab di perlu cepat pakai Cara

5 → 47.000
n → 28.200

5/n = 47.000/28.200
47.000 x n = 5 x 28.200
47.000 x n = 141.000
n = 141.000 : 47.000
n = 3 dollars5 dollars = 47000
1 dollars = 47000 : 5 = 9400
28200 : 9400 = 3
jadi 28200 = 3 dollars

17. ada yang tahu $ 3.5 millin us dollars kalau dirupiahkan

$1 US = 13,319 (kurs tgl 21 Juli 2017)
$3,5 M US = 46.616.500.000 (46 miliar lebih)

18. 11. A money changer offers an exchange rate of 0.65 Euros for 1 Singapore dollar. At this rate how many Singapore dollars will Cathy get if she gives the money changer 975 Euros Help me please...


1.567,01025 SGD ($)

I'm sorry if Its wrong

19. How much does the man have to pay for the room’s cost?Gambar Tanpa TeksA. 86 dollarsB. 88 dollarsC. 98 dollarsD. 89 dollarsE. 96 dollars​

Jawaban: 88 dollars (B)

Penjelasan:  80  tambah 10 % : 80 tambah 8 : 88 (10% dari 80 : 8)

20. On a day, the exchange rate between the Singapore dollars (SGD) and the US dollars (USD) is 1 SGD = 0.816 USD, correct to 3 decimal between the places. The exchange rate Australian dollars (AUD) and the US dollars is 1 AUD = 1.073 USD, correct to 3 decimal places. (a) Find the exchange rate, correct to 3 decimal places, between Singapore dollars and Australian dollars in AUD/SGD. (b) Mr Lim has a son studying in a university in Sydney. He has to remit 25 000 AUD to him. Find the required amount of Singapore dollars correct to the nearest dollar.​


(a) To find the exchange rate between Singapore dollars and Australian dollars in AUD/SGD, we can use the given exchange rates:

1 SGD = 0.816 USD

1 AUD = 1.073 USD

To convert from SGD to AUD, we can first convert SGD to USD, and then convert USD to AUD:

1 SGD = 0.816 USD

1 SGD/0.816 USD = 1.22549019608 SGD/USD (using the reciprocal of 0.816)

1 AUD = 1.073 USD

1.073 USD/1 AUD = 0.93121440823 AUD/USD (using the reciprocal of 1.073)

Now, to get the exchange rate between SGD and AUD, we can divide the AUD/USD exchange rate by the SGD/USD exchange rate:

0.93121440823 AUD/USD ÷ 1.22549019608 SGD/USD ≈ 0.759 AUD/SGD

Therefore, the exchange rate between Singapore dollars and Australian dollars in AUD/SGD is approximately 0.759, correct to 3 decimal places.

(b) To find the required amount of Singapore dollars to remit 25,000 AUD, we can use the exchange rate we found in part (a):

1 AUD = 0.759 SGD (approximately)

Therefore, 25,000 AUD is equivalent to:

25,000 AUD × 0.759 SGD/AUD ≈ 18,975 SGD

Rounding to the nearest dollar, the required amount of Singapore dollars is 18,975 SGD.


a. 1×0.816÷3÷1.073=0, 253494874

b. 25000÷3=8.333, 33333

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