A Chemical Test Is Used To Measure:


A Chemical Test Is Used To Measure:

A Chemical Test is used to measure the presence and/or amount of a certain chemical in a sample. It is a common technique used in laboratories around the world and can provide detailed information about a sample. What types of chemical tests are available? There are a variety of chemical tests that can be performed depending on the nature of the sample. Common tests include titrations, spectrophotometry, and chromatography. Each test has its own advantages and limitations and must be selected based on the type of sample and the desired information.

Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. a thing used to measure is



Saya kalo tulis thermometer suka salah jadi tolong Cek ya..

2. a stethoscope is used to measure the patient's heartbeat a thermometer is used to measure the patient's temparature.a syringe is used to inject the patient ​


Yes, everything is correct



3. a stethoscope is used to measure the patient's heartbeat a thermometer is used to measure the patient's temparature.a syringe is used to inject the patient .a bandage is used to cover the patient' injury​


stetoskop digunakan untuk mengukur detak jantung pasien termometer digunakan untuk mengukur suhu tubuh pasien. jarum suntik digunakan untuk menyuntikkan pasien. perban digunakan untuk menutupi luka pasien

4. The unit used to measure force is the,,?

The unit used to measure force is the Newton. In indonesian: Satuan yang digunakan untuk mengukur gaya adalah Newton.

5. 1.mirror is used to2. towel Is used to3. theet brush is used to4 Shampoo is used to5. Soap is used to6.Water is used to7.Shower is used to8toilet is used to9tub is used to10 dipper is used to?​


1.berkaca 2.wipe the body 3.brushing teeth4.clean hair5.to take a shower6.for drink7.to clean up8.to pee 9.to hold water 10.to draw water


# semoga membantu maaf kalau salah

6. is easy to be rotten a chemical properties ?

Yes, it is
Easy rot

As a result of chemical reactions in a food or drink, can cause food and beverages to rot and change the taste to acid. For example, the rice left for days to react with the air becomes stale, the milk that turns the taste to acid.

7. 5.What thing is used to measure the length of something?Answer:..​


semoga membantu jawabannya

8. -beside is used to say?-around is used to say?

Beside is used to say when you want to describe something which is close, or nearby. Around is used to say when you want to describe something which is located surrounding a certain area.


1. Beside: at the side of, next to

Contoh kalimat:

He was sitting beside me in the train.I always put my glasses beside the lamp.

2. Around: on every side of, surrounding

Contoh kalimat:

I would like to take a walk around the park.Look! Her clothes are all around the corner of my room.
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang preposition:




________________________________Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMP kelas VII

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Daily objects, possession, furniture, places, preposition of place

Kata kunci : Beside, Around

Kode : 7.5.4

9. apa arti it is a chemical substance used to preserve a dead body, to avoid decaying

ini adalah bahan kimia yang digunakan untuk mengawetkan jenazah, untuk menghindari pembusukan.ini adalah bahan kimia yang digunakan untuk mengawetkan mayat, agar menghindari pembusukan


ini mo dijadiin ke bhs indonesia yhh?

11. A thing to measure temperatur of human body is?


Semoga membantu

semoga membantu anda

12. a radio is used to .... a vase is used to .... eraser are used to ... rulers are used to ... a calender is used to ...

A radio is used to hear news, listening to a music, ect
A vase is used to put the flower into it as a decoration
Eraser are used to erase pencil's streak
Ruler are used to help you make a straight line and to measure lenght
A calendar is used to mark an event and to inform you what date it is

A radio is used to hear news, listening to a music
A vase is used to put the flower
Eraser are used to erase pencil's streak
Ruler are used to make a straight line and to measure lenght
A calendar is used to mark an event and to inform  what date it is

13. yang jawab aku follow ikuti dan jadikan jawaban tercerdas dan bintang lima1.what is the teks about...2.how many things are there... 3.what is used to measure the patients temperature...4.what is used to cover the patients injury...5.is a syringe used to ijenct the patient​

Jawab :

1. The teks talking about there are many things we can find in the hospital.

2. There are nine things in teks.

3. A thermometer.

4. A bandage.

5. Yes, it is.

Hope this help you ^_^

14. air plane is used to/for..... dust bin is used to .... english dictionary is used to ... flashlight is used to.....

airplane is used to transport people in far distances.
dust bin is used to keep useless things.
english dictionary is used to define the meaning of an english word.
flashlight is used to light our way in the dark.
Air plane is used for transportation.
Dust bin is used to be the place where you put the dust in after cleaning.
English dictionary is used to help people learn about English language.
Flashlight is used to help people see in the dark by its light.

Semoga membantu.

15. A numerical value used as a summary measure for a sample is known as....


Sample statistics, such as mean, median, deviation, etc.

16. short message isa. a text which is used to entertain readersb. a text which is used to call readersc. a text which is used to convery informationd. a text which is used to give solution​


D. a text which is used to cenvery information


maaf kalau salah jawaban nya ya kak


D.a text which is used to give solution


A short message is a brief text message sent to or from a mobile phone subscriber through the Short Message Service (SMS).

maaf jika salah

17. What is the device used by men to measure, keep and indicatetime.a. calculatorb. compassC. clockd. stopwatchini katanya matematika​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

calculator--> indicates numbers and help our calculation needs

compass --> indicates arrows and help to find our way back

clock --> indicates arrows and numbers to help see what time is it

stopwatch --> indicates and measure time, meanwhile keeping it



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

stopwatch can measure time

stopwatch can keep time

stopwatch can indicate time

so the answer is stopwatch

18. bacalah teks diatas dan jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini !1. what is the text about ?answer :2. how many things are there ?answer :3. what is used to measure the patients' temperature ?answer :4. what is used to cover the patients'injury ?answer :5. is a syringe used to inject the patient ?answer :​


1. stomachache and eyesore

2. 2 - termometer and bandage

3. termometer

4. bandage

5. yes, syringes are frequently used in clinical medicine to administer injections, infuse intravenous therapy into the bloodstream, apply compounds such as glue or lubricant, and draw/measure liquids.

19. One of the element used to produce wire is copper. The chemical code for copper is...

Copper = tembaga = Cu(Cuprum)

20. Tolong Jawab Yaa There Are Many Things We Can Find In The Hospital. They Are Ambulance, Stretcher, Crutch, Wheelchair, Stethoscope, Termometer, Syringe, Bandage, And MedicineA Stethoscope Is Used To Measure The Patient's Hearbeat. A Thermometer Is Used To Measure the Patient"s Temprature. A Syringe Is Used To Inject The Patient. A Bandage Is Used To Cover The Patient's Injury. Read The Text And Answer The Question!!1 What Is The Text About?Answer:2 How Many Things Are There?Answer:3 What Is Used To Measure The Patient's Temprature?Answer:4 What Is Used To Cover The Patient's Injury?Answer:5 Is A Syringe Used To Inject The Patient?Answer: ​

Read The Text And Answer The Question!!

1. What Is The Text About?

Answer: Many Things We Can Find In The Hospital.

2. How Many Things Are There?

Answer: Nine

3. What Is Used To Measure The Patient's Temprature?

Answer: A Thermometer

4. What Is Used To Cover The Patient's Injury?

Answer: A Bandage

5. Is A Syringe Used To Inject The Patient?

Answer: Yes, it is

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